BMDP is a substituted cathinone that is structurally analogous to methylone. BMDP compound has a phenyl group added to the amino methyl group, substantially decreasing its solubility in aqueous solutions. The physiological and toxicological properties of compoundthis BMDP are not known. BMDP is intended for research and forensic applications. Buy BMDP research chemicals online.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION Benzylone (BMDP) is classified as a novel stimulant and substituted cathinone. Substituted cathinones are modified based on the structure of cathinone, an alkaloid found in the Khat plant. Novel stimulants have been reported to cause stimulant-like effects, similar to amphetamines. Novel stimulants have also caused adverse events, including deaths, as described in the literature. Structurally similar compounds include methylone, ethylone, butylone, and tertylone, among others. Methylone, butylone, and ethylone (a positional isomer of butylone) are Schedule I substances in the United States; however, benzylone is not scheduled. Benzylone was first reported to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) in December of 2010 by a laboratory in the United Kingdom.1 Additionally, benzylone has been characterized and reported in the scientific literaute.2 While this is not the first identification of benzylone internationally, its increasing prevalence in seized drug casework has prompted interest among forensic science and public health communities. NMS Labs identified benzylone in ten seized drug exhibits in May of 2019 from international ports of entry; all exhibits were positive for benzylone only. Three laboratories in Florida have identified benzylone in several seized exhibits (more than 10) in recent months and dating back to late 2018. Two laboratories in South Carolina report identifications of benzylone in 2019, totaling more than ten seized exhibits as well. One identification of benzylone was reported from North Dakota in April 2019. In addition to its national spread, benzylone was recently identified in two exhibits in Australia after a long gap in detection since its first identification in the country in 2013. Several of these laboratories also reported the combination of benzylone with other emergent cathinones, including N-butyl pentylone and eutylone, and methamphetamine. The seized exhibits were most commonly described as powders and tablets.
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